In ITS you can digitize audio or video using the computers available in the lab. We have cassette and vhs decks available to transfer your tapes onto the computer.
You can:
- Use the microphone with Audacity to create sound files
- Connect your camcorder to download video clips
- Edit the clips using i-movie
- Take clips from your vhs tape
- Create a movie using i-dvd
- Pull audio clips from your cd
If you prefer not to do it yourself we also offer any of the above as a drop off service for faculty and staff (fees apply)
Also available:
Instructional Technology Services can transfer home videos or any other non-copyrighted video from a VHS cassette to a DVD for a fee of $11.00
- This service is available only to faculty and staff and may take up to a week to complete.
- By authorizing Instructional Technology Services to complete any dubbing, faculty/staff members release TCNJ staff from any damage that may occur to VHS tapes as a result of the dubbing process.
Video Streaming for Copyright films
- Unfortunately we can’t digitize full length films as it would be a copyright violation – to show films online through your Canvas courses please contact Library Media Services to see if they already have a streaming license and if not, if they might be able to obtain one or get approval to digitize.